Saturday, January 2, 2010

Will you still worship Me?

After music practice, I was invited to a gaming session in the city with a few OCF friends. (I was actually planning to go back home and jam on my guitar, I felt like a song is gonna come). I'm not too fond of playing games, but something just prompted me to go. Maybe I can bond with them or something....

So I went, wasn't much fun, was a bit annoyed because I'm not really good at it. After a while I was really tired and went home. While driving, I was asking myself, why did I go? why did I wasted my time and money to go all the way to play computer games of which I'm not that keen to play to begin with. As I asked, I was getting more and more annoyed and angry at my decision.

Then a little voice said 'In your anger, will you still worship Me?'

It hit me, will I still hold my ground properly if I was angry? will I still be able to worship Him fully as if nothing happened?

When I got back home, picked up the guitar and started worshiping God. (well, I did went online for a while, before this song 'What an awesome God we worship' keep ringing in my ears... I just had to play) After a while, a rift came up and there, a song came.

I will keep this in my mind, constantly asking, 'Will you still worship Me?